Sight Words, 100 Great Words


Kids and adults will love these flash cards with some of the best words English has to offer!

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Do you feel Discombobulated by the Plethora of Supercilious Gobbledygook? Fear not! eeBoo’s 100 Great Words is packed with wild and interesting words to jazz up your daily lingo. Each flash card has a GREAT Word on the front and the definition with an example sentence on the back of the card. You will go from Taciturn to a Loquacious vocabulary Virtuoso in no time.

100 cards
Additional cards to add your own favorite great words!
Definitions, pronunciation, and example sentence
Cards: 2 7/8 x 4”
Box: 4 1/4” x 3/4” x 7 1/2”

Manufacturer SKUFLSGW



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