Have you ever heard of Bayberry candles?
Our Genuine Bayberry candles are handmade from 100% bayberry wax found on the outside of the bayberry fruit. Burned to the nub on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, they bring good luck for the coming year. A tradition that brings a certain type of tranquility and peace in your home, since colonial times. There is a warm mild scent of bayberry wax, but there are no other additives or enhancements to this set. A white powder called bloom forms naturally on the surface of bayberry candles as they age.
The set comes in a box with a parchment paper insert and note explaining the tradition of Bayberry candles, as well as this lovely poem:
This Bayberry candle comes from a friend.
So on this Holiday burn it down to the end.
Because a Bayberry candle burned to its socket,
Brings good luck, good health, and wealth to your pocket.
A 6-inch tapered set will last for six hours of burning.